Tuesday, July 17, 2007

We made it through the LATE ride again!

364 days out of the year, Ed and I sit on our butts all day at work, then come home, eat, sleep and repeat. The most exercise we get usually happens on the weekends while we roam Ikea or the Carmax car lot on Sundays. Then, sometime in mid-July we get the bright idea to dust the cob-webs off of our bikes and go for a 25 mile ride around Chicago from midnight to sunrise with approximately 9,000 other people. Oh, it's fun, but it hurts!

Mental notes for next year:
  • Eat before you leave. (I hadn't eaten since dinner and found the first part of the ride the most difficult -after the snack break, I was good to go... well, for the most part.)
  • Bring beverages for the first leg. (We missed the refreshment stand at the starting point, the crowds were nuts!)
  • Use those sports bottle caps on the bottles for said beverages. (I found myself trying to will the traffic lights red so I could get a drink.)
  • Bring your camera again! (Photo op's make great excuses to take a break!)
  • Definitely pick up your packet early so you get into the first wave! (You can go a bit slower and still get back to the fountain at the same time!)
  • Maybe do some conditioning rides first. (Yeah right, who am I kidding...)

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