Tuesday, April 06, 2010


It's a Tuesday. I love Tuesdays. After a week that looks like this:
-Wednesday: surgery 9am to 5:30pm (no breaks)
-Thursday: work 8am-12n, leave for school at 2:30pm, get home at 5:30pm
-Friday: surgery 8:30am to 5:30pm (no breaks)
-Saturday: work 8am to 4pm
-Sunday: work 8am to 3pm
-Monday: leave for school at 1:30pm, go from school to work, get home at 8:30pm

...then there's Tuesday, the only thing that resembles a break this week. I don't have to leave for school until 2:30pm. ...I practically have all day. ...to do whatever I want!

I walk into the kitchen and find no clean dishes. My choices for breakfast are limited. We have no clean spoons.

I go to the laundry room to find clothes to wear for the day. There are none. I ran out of clean jeans yesterday.

I hate Tuesdays.